Serge Triple Waveshaper

Serge 4U Triple Wave Shaper

From the Serge Catalog:

“The Triple Waveshaper is a non-linear modifier which can transform a sawtooth wave into a sine wave… Although originally designed as a waveshaper for our early oscillators, this module has been found to be an excellent modifier… and is hightly recommended for subtle timbral modifications…”

I find it to be completely inexplicable and beautifully unpredictable.

Strangely, my TWS PCB was given to me as an unstuffed board by SMMS. I called them (back when you needed to call… no web) to expand my system. I wanted to buy one and they more or less talked me out of the module. I ended up getting a Phaser and VCFS, explaining that I bought 2 blank panel/racks from them with plenty of room to DIY and expand. When the modules showed up the unsuffed PCB was a gift.

Serge modules are available from these sources:

Random*Source: Serge Tcherepnin is the “Chief Innovation Officer” for Random*Source and they are currently producing classic modules and new designs. Currently there’s no DIY option to build thier designs.

Elby Designs: Ken Stone’s Serge boards are now available at Elby.

Prism Circuits: Serge Paperface modules are available to DIY. The focus is on early 6 row designs and the paperface build style.

Loudest Warning: Custom builds in Loudest Warning format and full panels. Panels are also available for DIY.