Looping Gain Sequencer

clee 4U synth DIY Bits

The Looping Gain Sequencer is a sequencer based arbitrary wavefolder. The SEQ IN waveform is divided into 8 segments by voltage. The sequencer is addressed by on of those 8 segments. Each stage generates a CV which is available at SEQ OUT. and also controls a balanced modulator driving it from unity to inverted unity.

The grouping of 8 stages can be reduced in overall voltage and looped up to 8 times with the Loops control.

The sequencer controled balanced modulator modulates either the input at SEQ IN or the ALT IN. The amount of modulation is controlled by the SEQ LEVEL controls

Build notes

Construction is a panel PCB and a component PCB

Both PCBs have circuitry

IMPORTANT: The module needs to run on +/-12V. The AS3360 VCA chip can't be powered by -15V. If powering with 15v use the regulators in the lower left of the component PCB and wire their output to POWER IN.


Capacitor C107 on the BOM and Schematic is 5n, 4.7n will work there

2 Resistors R127 and R130 are 38K, 39K will work fine there, or any value in between.

Current build is Version 1.0

Download the schematic here: Gain Sequencer schematic

Download the BOM:Gain Sequencer BOM

Download part placement: Gain Sequencer part placement

Download trimming Instructions: Trimming

Module getting started guide: clee Gain Sequencer guide

inteactive bom:ibom gain sequencer

For +/-15 Volt systems :
The 3364 VCA chip can't run at 15 volts. Instal the 12 volt regulators and wire their outputs to the 12 volt power in

Soldering LEDs
stuff the LEDs into the pcb without soldering. Attach the panel PCB to the panel and insert the LEDs into the bezels so they’re seated. Then solder LEDs into place.