Synth DIY
These are modules that I have designed and built for my own modular synth. If you'd like to build one information about board availablility is HERE
8 Channel Quantizer PIC based Quantizer module with 8 independent channels. VC over scale selection and Hold/S&H
Quantizer LCD display board An alternative way of displaying scale information for the 8 Channel Quantizer
Radio Cage a voltage controlled radio with VCA/Ring mod and VCF
Looping Gain Sequencer 4U and Euro, voltage controlled sequencer/ arbitrary wave folder
Orgone Accumulator for 4U A Complex Oscillator designed by Jim Matheson in a PCB set for 4U systems
Euclidean Sequencer Based on original code by Tombola, with added features for 4U systems
Bits 4U and Bits Euro a 12 bit Bit Crusher with VC wave shaping. An adapter to use the Teensy 4.0 is available
Voltage Controlled Mixer Channel Dual and single mixer channels with Pan and VCA. VCA has variable Lin/Exp response
Quad Exponential/Linear VCA Quad VCA module based on the Gallo/Irwin circuit for the SSM2164 (V2164). Switchable response between Linear and Exponential
Triple Comparators/Logic 3 Voltage comparators. The outputs are tied to AND, OR, and XOR circuitsl
Triple Routers 3 VC Analog Switches Momentary or Latching
CV2MIDI a 2 channel control voltage to MIDI OUT converter
VC Resonant Low Pass Gate A version of the Buchla Low Pass Gate. This module includes Voltage Control of the Mode and Filter Resonance amount.
VC Equal Power Panner Based on That Corporation application notes for the THAT2180 chip, this is a single channel crossfader featuring switchable center attenuation. Can be wired as a crossfader, panner or switchable between the two
Transistor Ladder Filter -A Mini Moog style filter. The circuit is adapted to modern modular standards by Yves Usson. My board run is approved by Yves
VC Timer A multifunction module: Variable Gate to Trigger and Gate Delay. Also functions as a VCO and SR Flip Flop
Audio Mixer A simple 1" 4 input manual mixer
Dual Voltage Processors A simple 1" module with 2 attenuverting mixers with offset
4U Mounting Bracket Mount 4U boards to the front panel with no panel drilling required
4U Loudest Warning format boat 16GA steel enclosure for mounting individual 4U modules