
clee 4U synth DIY Yusynth transistor ladder filter

This module contians three voltage controled analog switches

A/B can be connected to jack A or B. Signals can flow in either direction. Resistance through the switch is aprox 600 ohms with protection resistors in place

Each analog switch can be latching or momentary:

Momentary: VC LOW A is connected to A/B - VC HIGH B is connected to A/B

Latching: The switch changes state on a logic LOW to HIGH transition

A Manual momentary contact button is included

Routers build notes

Current build is Version 1.0

Download documentation here: Routers Docs

Construction is a panel component PCB and a main PCB

Build Notes:

footprints are included for either through-hole DIP or SOIC surface mount ICs

The only components holding the PCBs to the panel are the switches. The top 2 holes for banana jacks are plated. When building solder those jacks to the PCB to hold the boards in place.