Bits Teensy 4.0 adapters

bits adapter installed

The Bits Adapter Boards allow the Teensy 4.0 to be used in the module.

The Teensy 3.2 is discontinued and hard to find. The adapters allow you to either build the module or repair it with the Teensy 4.0 and the software version 1.5. The T3s had an onboard DAC, which the T4 lacks. The adapter uses the DAC8560 to replace the T3 DAC.

Bits modules: 4U Version or Euro Version

Build Notes

IMPORTANT: To use the adapter boards you must use V1.5 of the software on the Teensy 4.0 and do the RATE SWITCH hardware modification

BOM: Bits adapter BOM

Schematic: Bits adapter Schematic

Teensy 4.0 code (hex file): Teensy 4.0 hex

Teensy 4.0 code (Arduino sketch): Bits adapter sketch

Adapters will plug into the module without blocking trimmers. Make sure you get the version for your format. The euro version is pictured installed on my 4U module.

The above photo is of an incomplete build. Additional pins need to be installed. The 3 pins circled allso need to be installed for the Euro board